Today we celebrate overcomers as we recognize both Abortion Recovery Month and Sexual Assault Prevention Month. The Sisters of Arise Daughter, some of whom have both sexual assault and abortion in their pasts, have gone above and beyond to support one another in friendship and love. Despite our traumatic histories, our beautifully brave team are able to give voice to their pain through their art which is inspired by their love of God. In today's blog I wanted to give space for each of their unique stories. I love them beyond measure!
Meet the team!

Isaiah 60:1 (NKJV) describes who we are now in God's eyes:
"Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you."
Ms. Roxanne Fields, Artist in Residence

I have been forgiven, and I have seen forgiveness delivered and I will never be the same.
I designed the logo for Arise Daughter ministries at the request of Sylvia Blakely, the founder. I never would have guessed that I would still be a part of it today or that I would love the experience of the ministry and how it has helped me in my healing journey.
It still awes me every time that the “Aha” moment happens for another woman and she gets that she can be forgiven of her choice for abortion. There have been 3 great commissions of me from God, so far at least. “Shattered”, Shattered 2.0 and of course “The Logo.” These pieces are personal to me, because it depicts the changes of mind that came from no longer allowing my past to influence my future.
All my life I have heard that I’m too skinny, too fat, too sensitive, bossy etc. I am walking into a life with God that makes me feel just right enough to walk into my purpose.
View more of Roxanne's work
Ms. Freda Ayodele, Art Room Administrator

Syl and I have been friends for over 20 years. In all that time we almost never talked about our shared history until one fateful day our truth came tumbling out. We didn’t know what to do with our stories necessarily but I think we were just glad to be able to confide in one another somethig so meaningful. Fast forward to 2020 and I found myself saying, “yes” to my sister/friend's request to be a part of this wonderful ministry. It has never mattered that we no longer live in the same city; we have always had each other's best interest at heart. And that is what makes me love her and now my new sisters all the more. Through Arise Daughter and Arise Artists we have a stage to express our pain and our creativity-that “God spark" put inside each and every one of His image bearers. I will continue to say, “yes” to wherever God is taking us as we push the boundaries. Onward Christian soldiers, onward!
View more of Freda’s work.
Ms. Erika Diggs Mixed Media Artist:

I was never a person that thought about art. My heart was hardened and I couldn’t even see how art could heal me or even offer a breakthrough.
I finally gave art a chance after seeing how my sister was able to express her inner voice. I had to make a choice to heal one more time.
After my first virtual visit on Arise Daughter/Artist I felt like I belonged in this group even if I don’t know how to paint. I was willing to give this a try and see what I can gain in my walk with Christ.
I always wanted to have a community/support group where I could really be myself allowing the rawness and hurt that I still haven’t opened up about to bring out the reality that I’m still loved by God.
I never expected that having a support group/community would bring out the artist in me. I’m not quite a painter, a poet, or a writer but I’ve been able to express the voice that once was lost, hidden, afraid and rejected by creating things with my very hands using the most beautiful of God's creatures; a Butterfly 🦋. Which in return has shown me that I don’t have to live in a cocoon anymore. I'm free to expand and stretch my very wings.
I’m grateful to Sylvia the founder who stands on God’s word and allows Holy Spirit to lead. Thanks for providing a safe place/space free of judgment, finger pointing, blaming stare’s not loving like Jesus does and rejecting the very thing that saves lives. What the enemy intended for evil God turned it for my good.
I’m blessed to be a part of Arise Daughter who is willing to walk beside me and each other so breakthrough happens. I love you, my family.
View more of Erika's work
Ms. Alexandra Stewart, Mentor, Mixed Media Artist and Graphic Designer

I am a mother, wife, minister, mentor, artist and currently full- time student at Western KY University and team member of Arise Daughter and Arise Artist, since it first started.
Two years ago and some months ago, I met Sylvia during an online conference that was meant for bringing back additional info for the work I did as the Post Abortive Director & Coordinator of ‘The Healing Journey’ Program. At that time we offered many different groups online and in person. We even met with an artist to learn more of the possibilities of offering art to our clients, but it never took off at the time…
When I heard what Sylvia wanted to offer online, I was immediately intrigued and connected with her. During that time, I was in need of a community that embraced abortion recovery workers, so they could decompress from battle fatigue and secondary trauma - which I didn’t even know I needed!
The monthly online meetings and activities became a highlight, besides work and my passion to help men and women, who suffered from an abortion wounded heart.
My artistic breakthrough came through Sylvia’s request , who asked me to share my most recent artwork with the team at the beginning of 2021. I had never done anything like it and discovered in the process how to make a mini movie with the slides I created to tell my story. Lord behold, a few months later, I was asked to share my art and story at a Celebration Recovery event by Carolyn Klair from OH , which compelled me to offer my artwork in coffee table book format, so other PRC’s, healing workshops and retreats , and counseling offices, could use it for their clients.
I am so blessed and grateful to be part of this Post Abortion Mentoring Ministry, as it offered me a place of refuge to grow spiritually and a place for continued healing through the arts 🎭 inside an online healing community that builds on the Word of God and the vision He gave our fearless leader, Sylvia Blakely, who marches boldly forward to expand the kingdom of God by bringing the Good News: online, on the streets, during Healing conferences, as a poet and as a facilitator to various events and venues.
It is a two way street, as team members are encouraged to continue the mentoring and artistic journey … to help somebody else in the process, because that’s what it is all about: to be helpers to one another in a time of need, as we learn to become His masterpiece and reflection of Christ. Let nothing hold you back to start your healing NOW and join this extraordinary ministry that will give you wings.
Much love 💕 Alex
View more of Alex's work
Ms. Jackie Tolford, Textile Artist

For me, for my hard-crusted, independent soul, art made the breakthrough.
First by unintentionally seeing the very creative and well-acted play Viable on my phone, and later by seeing an Arise Daughter virtual interview with a unique photographer.
I never needed, never wanted a support group!!
But… oh the difference it’s made.
I really thank God for the bond of non-judgement,
for true understanding,
for creative education and for the ever-loving support of Sylvia and the Arise Daughter tribe! They have brought rise to the artist in me.
Follow Jackie on Instagram
Ms. Karen Swain-Crummie, Arise Daughter Minister and Mentor

I will be celebrating three years with Arise Daughter ministry. I was spiritually broken and just wanted to stay in the background. But God said, "No!" During these three years I have been exposed to some of the the most beautiful women God has created. I have spiritually grown through the many new relationships and through the testimonies of these women while being of service to others. To watch God lift us and others into our gifting is an amazing sight!
Listen to Karen teach.
Ms. Sylvia Blakely, Founder, Poet, Photographer, Mixed Media Artist

One of the first things God asked me to do after starting Arise Daughter was to open two rooms: a safe space for artists to congregate and another room to engage advocates for life. I didn't know what that would look like or even the 'why' of it all but let me tell you, it didn't take long to see just a glimpse of what He was doing. The collection of artists that gathered was varied and so supportive of each others artistic process. Our very first guest speaker for Arise Artists was the director of the play "Viable", Mr. John Hoover. That one act wonder broke so many of us open that I knew we were on to something. We dusted off our brushes, chalks and pencils and got busy. What emerged was unbelievable! God blessed our "yes" to join Him in making art important for the post-abortive woman to have access to. Then, photographer Angela Forker showed up and blatantly challenged us to use our art to speak to whole-life issues. God sent her to poke the coals, stir up the fire and get us engaged in advancing God's agenda.
We now had a vision and a mandate for both our art and advocates rooms and the whole life focused art flowed from there.
Tweet this: Let your art be your fruit
My own artistic evolution has been sourced by God from two separate fountains: one, a collection of collages, has been like a raging river to speak against the notion that abortion is "normal." The other, a series of poems, has come from a bubbling spring meant to help me process my various healing journeys; I have been startled and blessed by both founts.
I am beyond excited to see what God will use my sisters and I for this year. Follow our process at by subscribing to our page.
Hang on, stick close and join us for the ride!
Hear Sylvia share her poetry
Mission: Arise Daughter is a post-abortion mentoring ministry equipped by Holy Spirit to help women and men heal, train and serve in the Kingdom of God.
I know these women, I love these women. I will always fight for these women. Not because I have to, not because they're my team mates, but because I am overwhelmingly awed by my sister! Love you to the infinity and beyond!