Dear Pastor and Lay Church Leaders,
Sitting in your pews or in your online services every Sunday are women and men who are hurting from the trauma of reproductive loss. The hidden scars that often do not get discussed, have left a lot of "walking wounded" among you.
I know in my heart that messages of compassion and mercy reach many from the pulpit each and every week. But many others, because of lingering guilt and shame, think they are not worthy to even walk through your doors Sunday after Sunday. They bravely do it because they hope, one day, their particular pain will be mentioned. They want to be set free to live a full abundant life in Christ and to serve Him with abandon.
How do I know this? Because for 20 years I was that woman. I served God at half capacity; in constant fear of His judgment for my abortion. I dared not bring it up because I wasn't sure I would receive support from my Pastor and congregation. I lived in doubt partly because there weren't any sermons delivered about my particular sin. So, I sat in silence and served as a hobbled Christian.
What am I saying Pastor? If you want to mobilize the meek hiding under your church pews, Love, Accept and Forgive them.
I am asking you to find some time and some way to discuss Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness for ALL repented sin including abortion. If you have already delivered this message clearly to the women AND men that may remain traumatized by abortion then, I thank you wholeheartedly~ If you have not, I pray that soon will come the day of deliverance for possibly as much as 25% of
your congregation.
"The wounded sheep want to know there is a pathway to healing for them put in place by the church. Once they trust that, they will come forth out of the shadows" says Karen Ellison, Founder of "Deeper Still" post abortion healing retreats.
There are many local as well as online resources for healing that I would be more than happy to connect you with. In addition to that, we offer healing art classes that provide a beautiful entry way to address grief. Some of these resources can help clergy members deal with their own personal issues surrounding abortion and abuse. Feel free to reach out to: to chat or, email me
May God richly bless you as you aid in the healing and freedom of His people.
Sylvia Blakely, Founder
Arise Daughter and Arise Artists
A Post-Abortion Mentoring Ministry

Thank you for this appeal!
Much needed …as God so loved the world He Gave us the healing balm, the pathway and the Free Gift 🎁 to be Forgiven & Set Free through the blood of Jesus, who died on the cross to overcome death … and rise again.
There is Life After Abortion, but the church needs to open the 🚪because He is the ONLY door to salvation, deliverance, and reconciliation.
I pray that the doors to the churches will be open to deal with All Manners of sin , to set His people free to give Him Glory through the Good News that God saves…Anybody, no exceptions, no exclusions, nor excuses as His grace is sufficient.