Death by Lethal Ingestion Trigger Alert as I will be describing execution methods

Ok. So, honestly, this is another one of the blogs I would have preferred not to write. As a nurse, I have enough gruesome information from textbooks and from personal experience at my disposal to make most folks turn down their next meal. And so, for that reason alone I don't typically speak about medical matters that I know will upset my readers. But, it comes by way of my calling that I HAVE to speak out about abortion! Since my own abortion healing, God has compelled me to speak the truth about all aspects of abortion-what it is, what it does and the evil intent behind it. Speaking up is not an optional thing for me-not anymore.
We at Arise Daughter have been sounding the alarm about the abortion pills for the last 3 years. I've spoken about the heinous nature of the pills on several social media platforms, most recently on a podcast hosted by the Whole Life Committee which is an action arm of the And Campaign. And I will keep talking until women get the vital information they deserve to have.
Here's why.
The chemical abortion pills now account for close to 65% of abortions. Most of the women I speak with admit to not being fully informed about what the pills do to their baby or to their bodies. As a consequence of poor medical management and lack of information, emergency room visits are WAY up because of the side effects of the pills. Women are left in the cold to be their own abortionists while “medical professionals” essentially distance themselves from both mother and baby in their time of need.
Today, God laid this on my heart: the abortion pill regimine is not that different from capital punishment.
Instead of using lethal INJECTION babies die by lethal INGESTION. Both methods are sanctioned and paid for by the State.
Let me explain.
When a grown person is killed by a State institution that employs capital punishment by lethal injection, the drugs used are given in two parts: injection one paralyzes the inmates muscles leaving them with a feeling of being trapped in their body and injection two slows and stops their heart while they are conscious. The first injection was highly regulated for years and was very difficult to obtain as it was seen as inhumane by many who witnessed the executions.
The abortion pill regimen is also given in two parts. The first part is the drug mifepristone, which, when taken by mouth, strangles the baby's access to the life giving hormone progesterone. Pro (for) gesterone (gestation) is the essential hormone needed for the baby to grow and for the uterine lining to become life supporting. Without progesterone, the baby essentially starves and its heart stops beating. The drug mifepristone was highly regulated and difficult to obtain (until recently) because it was seen as a method of starvation which is inhumane.
The second set of pills, misoprostol (a drug originally designed for a COMPLETELY different use), causes severe uterine contractions which dumps the baby out. Because of the extreme and abrupt nature of a chemical abortion, women often experience life-threatening blood loss with severe nausea and vomiting which causes them to seek emergency treatment.
One drug kills and the second drug spills.
Are you catching the inhumane nature of both methods of executing human beings?
I still believe the Bible when it says we perish for lack of knowledge of God's precepts.
Hosea 4:6 AMP says,
[6] My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge [of My law, where I reveal My will]. Because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.
I want to believe that when we know the will of God concerning His people we will do better. Matthew 6:22-23 AMP says,
[22] , “The eye is the lamp of the body; so if your eye is clear [spiritually perceptive], your whole body will be full of light [benefiting from God’s precepts]. [23] But if your eye is bad [spiritually blind], your whole body will be full of darkness [devoid of God’s precepts]. So if the [very] light inside you [your inner self, your heart, your conscience] is darkness, how great and terrible is that darkness!
I pray that as the scales are removed from our eyes that men and women will fight against execution using any means but most especially lethal injection or lethal ingestion. God’s precepts are clear: We should not be in the State sponsored business of murder.
I invite you to hear more about the abortion pills at:
If you need to speak with someone RIGHT NOW about your abortion experience, please reach out to for a trained listening ear.
If you have taken the first drug, Mifepristone and have regrets, you can reach out to:
within 3 days and there is a chance your baby can be saved using progesterone.
You can also listen to one of the interviews I mentioned earlier by clicking here on the Whole Life Project.
Get educated, spread the word, support women and men who have been traumatized and mention that abortion healing is free to ANYONE who wants it. Feel free to reach out to us at: to find out how you can get involved.
Many blessings! Sylvia
The Bible Project: We Studied the Law and Here is What We Found