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Writer's pictureSylvia Reynolds-Blakely

Florida's Amendment 4



What’s at stake if Amendment 4 passes in Florida?  Our humanity.  

Let me explain.

Amendment 4 is the pro-abortion lobbyists last ditch effort to legalize the killing of a child up through the 9th month of life. If an abortion-minded doctor deems it necessary to save the life of the mother over the baby then the state is essentially de-criminalizing the murder of babies who could live outside of the womb.  Such occurrences, where the mother is truly at risk of losing her life if she carries her child to term, are so rare as to hardly make the annals of medical journals.  A “medically necessary abortion” is the Trojan horse being used to sell wholesale access to abortion at any point in the life of a child.  An abortion-minded doctor  performing a third trimester abortion (and by the way, 90% of OB/GYN’s DO NOT PERFORM ABORTIONS!) must be willing to:  1.  dismember the child in the womb by pulling off its arms and legs and crushing the baby's skull thereby removing the baby piece by piece or 2.  stop the child’s heart beat in the womb by injecting a lethal cocktail of drugs into the  baby's chest cavity and then inducing labor.  If for some reason the baby’s heart does not stop and the child is born alive the doctor would have the right to suffocate the baby and dispose of the body as medical waste.  If this abortion occurs in a private facility, that “medical waste” can be sold to the highest bidder for research and other purposes.  

That is what you are voting for if you vote “YES” to Florida’s Amendment 4.  

The last time this country gave permission to a group of people to torture and dismember another group of people was during the era of slavery.  It was a time of, “my slave, my choice.”  A time in which a whole class of people had absolutely no say about whether they lived or died.  A time when “human rights” didn’t apply to “non-humans” or to three fifths (3/5th) of a human.   A time when body parts of innocent victims were cut off and sold as souvenirs and trophies to happy bystanders.  Have we really gone back to THAT era of indiscriminate killing in the name of “ownership” and  “rights”?  It appears so.    

One of the most disturbing aspects of the comparison between slavery and Amendment 4 is that the same group of people were/are in the crosshairs:  African-Americans.  It should come as no surprise by now that the majority of abortion facilities are in urban neighborhoods close to the targeted population.  Many young vulnerable moms are lured into abortion clinics with the lie that their child is a liability to their upward mobility.  Organizations with the words “women,” “health” and “parenthood” in their name do not care about women, health or parenting-surprise surprise!  Amendment 4 will give such organizations carte blanche to continue to kill our children, sell their parts for profit and hollow out their moms.  I recently read a quote that said, if abortion clinics were killing puppies we would put a stop to it immediately.  

X this: Are our children less valuable than puppies? 

I ‘d like to think that the end of slavery and its barbarism ushered in a new way of thinking about the value of human life; unfortunately it appears not.  Nothing short of our humanity is at stake if we allow Amendments like 4 to pass on our watch.  My beloved state of Michigan fell for the lie as its citizens were duped into believing that the health of women was at stake if they rejected abortion up until birth.  The added tragedy is that  Michigan ranks in the top five states for aborting African-American babies.  Please pay close attention citizens of Florida or the exact same thing will happen here.  We will become the abortion mecca of the South and all of us will be poorer for it.  

Stand up for our children and vote “NO” on Amendment 4.  Sylvia Blakely RN, MS.  

Video: The Procedure on YouTube

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