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Writer's picture: Sylvia Reynolds-BlakelySylvia Reynolds-Blakely

Now that Roe has been overturned at the federal level the fight for honoring life falls on the individual states. There will now be at least 50 different voices on the issue of whether or not a life begins at conception, eight weeks with the heartbeat, 15 weeks, 22 weeks or moments before birth. Clearly, we still have a long way to go to protect life from the womb to the tomb.

Florida, my current home, has already reported 33, 382 abortions as of early June, 2022 according to an article from news. The Washington Post made the point that even though the same party has held the governors seat as well as control of the Florida state legislature the state is seen as an "abortion destination" by other southern states because of its relatively lax abortion restrictions. In fact, a recent ban on abortions after 15 weeks was recently struck down by a federal judge for an indeterminant time. Planned Parenthood says it will cease abortions after 15 weeks to better serve its clients for now. The schizophrenic response from states who will either try to maintain abortions at all costs (even through the last trimester) or outlaw the majority of abortions (especially those beyond 6 weeks) will now be evident with court actions after lawsuits after constitutuional amendments after.... ("How major abortion laws compare state by state: Map | The Fuller Project"

But none of this changes the value of a human life.

If our professed ethos that believes that lives taken by guns or lethal injection are tragic then it stands to reason that lives taken by abortion are equally tragic. But until we can all agree that killing a child should be the hardest thing to accomplish in the United States we will continue to split hairs about whose life is more valuable. (see this beautifully scripted short film by LiveAction entitiled "Meet Baby Olivia" at Where does the Mom and the baby fall in all of this? It will depend on where they live. Many states where abortion will continue to be supported also have fairly robust Medicaid programs to support low income Moms. Many other states, where abortion will be highly restricted do not necessarily have the Medicaid allocations to properly support low income Mothers. And then there are states like Ohio that are in the middle lanes. Why is it that the greatest nation in the world feels so divided along the wrong lines? If life is to be supported by our nation, it should be a commitment from conception to natural death. Period. Every life should count and be treated with respect and dignity. This includes: education for young people on what life looks like at conception, (LiveActions " Baby Olivia" video has teaching materials), how to respect their bodies and the risks of pre-marital sex, education about the traumatizing effects of abortion (;, access to good prenatal care including WIC, financial support for maternity homes, material support for adoptions, support for extended maternity leave for both parents, liveable wages that match regional demands, affordable in-home health care for the elderly and extended paid leave for caregivers just to name a few. Those who support the above initiatives need to make their voices known: ("Elected Officials | USAGov" For example, the latest Labor Health Human Services draft bill excludes money for abstinence only education! That would be the same as teaching our children that some drug use is acceptable-just choose your drug wisely.

The time is ripe to lobby state representatives to support life from the womb to the tomb. Our ability to care for the most vulnerable among us will continue to be judged by the One who has so graciously provided us with the abundant resources we have. The cries of the suffering will be heard and His righteous judgement will rain down on those who refuse to steward well what we have been given. And that includes our children. If, on the FREEDOM weekend you would rather that none perish but have an equal opportunity at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness then, make a stand at work, on social media, at church, at the dinner table; one that respects and has compassion for all life. Support your local pregnancy resource center (find yours at and all that they do to provide material resources and education for parents. Meanwhile, we here at Arise Daughter will: 1. Continue to provide mentoring support for those who have been wounded by surgical and chemical abortions and who would like to heal, train and serve others. 2. Continue to sound the alarm regarding the trauma caused by the abortion pills which will remain available in 20 plus states with minimal oversight. 3. Never believe that women should be abortionist, nurse, pharmacist, mortician, psychiatrist and spiritual counselor to themselves as happens with DIY at home abortions. 4. Use our art to advocate for life and expose the lies of the enemy surrounding the "normalcy" of abortion. 5. Not rest until our daughters and sisters hear our stories about the trauma of abortion. 6. Continue to pray for Pregnancy Resource Centers because we know that Motherhood is the forever "normal" and that PRC's save lives. ("Lives Saved Impact at U.S. Pregnancy Help Centers - Charlotte Lozier Institute" 7. Continue to link arms with other abortion recovery programs because we know that healed people can help heal others. (;; PATH-Post Abortion Trauma and Healing on Facebook; H3HELPLINE.ORG; Will you be counted with us? The Arise Daughter Team @arisedaughterfl


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