Thanks to you and your generosity through Holy Spirit, the MAIDI house is a reality! What started as a mobile ministry helping young girls who have been victimized by sexual violence has become a real brick and mortar place of solace and refuge.
You partnered with God and did a good thing!
We know as believers that the ultimate support comes from above so, we trust that He will complete a good work and multiply your seed sown. Our birthday drive goal was for $13,000 U.S. You donated $7,346.77 Look at God!
The love you have shown in prayers will continue to sustain the MAIDI ministry and bless their kingdom work so, PLEASE do not stop praying!
Because of your generosity through God, this ministry will be able to continue to counsel and provide a safe place for women. That is no small thing believe me especially when the voices of girls who have been sexually assaulted are often silenced. Each woman MAIDI helps has a God given purpose and plan for their life! Through MAIDI, THEIR PURPOSE HAS A CHANCE TO BE FULFILLED.
We are planting into MAIDI to help change generations. There is nothing God cannot do through us when we choose to partner with him. Our faith is in the one who will bless our gifts and our prayers according to His plans.
Aren't you glad you got to partner with our heavenly Father in this work?! Oh, you'd still like to give? Here you go!

2 Corinthians 9:10-11: Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
To God be the glory! Many blessings and much love, Sylvia