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Spiritual Warfare!

Writer's picture: Sylvia Reynolds-BlakelySylvia Reynolds-Blakely

Spiritual Warfare

I often say to people that the size of the enemy's spiritual attack tries to match the size of God's spiritual assignments; I fully felt that come true for me today.

Dear readers, I am not exaggerating when I say that last night, I came under a spiritual attack in a most heinous way. While I slept the enemy slipped into my dream life and accused me by using filth. He connected an abuse that happened in my past to a fake scenario that he conjured up as if it were real . When I say I have never been attacked in such a low and foul way; that would be an understatement- like below sea level low.

As I laid there shaken I fixed my mind on the attack. I couldn't understand the “why now” of it at all. I did get a sense that Holy Spirit was interceding for me ‘cause I had no immediate words yet I wasn't panicked. Once dawn broke, I began to realize just how spiritually vulnerable I've been lately given all that I've been doing.

God reminded me that the size of my Kingdom assignments was going to require more than my “normal” time in His presence. “Normal” was not going to suffice to be fully equipped for this season: A God sized assignment will take a God-sized presence.

I told my husband about the attack and he prayed for me at breakfast. I didn't go into details because, honestly, I didn’t want to frighten him. I went to the altar at church and two prayer warriors prayed for me both in human and Holy Spirit language. I've asked for prayer from my Wednesday night Bible study class, my Tuesday prayer group and a small group of Christian sisters who also do abortion recovery work. I'm ‘bout to send prayer requests to two more sister Christian groups for support. And most importantly, I know that Jesus Himself is interceding on my behalf to the Father. I know this because He has been since He returned to the Father. Romans 8:33-34 AMP says:

[33] Who will bring any charge against God’s elect (His chosen ones)? It is God who justifies us [declaring us blameless and putting us in a right relationship with Himself]. [34] Who is the one who condemns us? Christ Jesus is the One who died [to pay our penalty], and more than that, who was raised [from the dead], and who is at the right hand of God interceding [with the Father].

Then, the Lord graciously reminded me of the Apostle Peter and the spiritual warfare he went through. Peter was following closely behind Jesus and was clearly fulfilling his kingdom assignments for over three years. But Christ knew the spiritual attack Peter was about to face in the next few days would be unlike any previous attack. Jesus knew that right after all the disciples had declared themselves “Team Jesus” during the Passover meal, that the enemy would petition God for the chance to accuse Peter of having weak faith. Jesus said, in Luke 22:31-32 AMP

[31] “Simon, Simon (Peter), listen! Satan has demanded permission to sift [all of] you like grain; [32] but I have prayed [especially] for you [Peter], that your faith [and confidence in Me] may not fail; and you, once you have turned back again [to Me], strengthen and support your brothers [in the faith].”

Jesus knew Peter would need these reassuring words to fall back on as he wept inconsolably for denying his association with Jesus.

Jesus already knows the enemy's battle strategies and He has prepared an intercessory prayer for each one of us who love Him and are called to His Kingdom work.

So know this enemy: I do not stand alone! You may accuse me and I may appear to stumble, but I have Jesus in heaven and Holy Spirit here on earth by my side. You can accuse but you cannot judge. And because of my testimony of the goodness of God, I put you to shame (Revelation 12:11).

When I speak against the evil that is abortion, I have God's calling and His armor to back me up. When I assist Holy Spirit with healing women of their abortion pain, I KNOW that the love of Christ supports both me and them. When I feel weary and unsure, I have Holy Spirits’ Comfort and guidance to keep me on the battlefield and to guard both my waking and sleeping hours.

I am not alone in this war! And neither are any of you dear readers. Those of us who put our trust in God and follow Christ are NOT ashamed of the Gospel. We will do what we are called to do and strengthen fellow believers until we are called home. When it comes to warfare in the spirit, victory belongs to Jesus!

Share this post with those whom you know to be waring in the spirit because of the Kingdom assignment they have. Pray for them right now and keep them lifted up when they come to mind. Much love, Sylvia

Song: Victory Belongs to Jesus by Todd Dulaney


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